
Targeted and hard-hitting text is an effective weapon in online communication. The content of a website has to be not only readable and useful, a copywriter’s text is built on keywords which hit the nail right on the head. Make sure your website has text which sells; tell a story, attract attention!

At AITOM we understand copywriting as a whole. Don’t expect texts from us that aren’t optimised for search engines.


Do you want readable texts? Before a copywriter starts writing, he will ask:

  • what target group am I writing for and what language do they speak?
  • what is the purpose of my text (to sell goods or services, to communicate information)?
  • what form or structure should the text have?


Copywriting from us means website content, e-shop descriptions, articles and specialised texts or entertaining and clear communication on social networks.While composing a text, we also think about strategy and utility; we don’t write what we wouldn’t like to read ourselves. We use convincing texts when targeting PPC marketing and e-mail campaigns. We use the content effectively as a marketing canal through which we sell goods, thoughts and the strength of your brand.

Selected references

Atrium a.s.
Atrium a.s.
  • Website analysis
  • Website development
  • Digital marketing
  • service: Entrance study (Project preparation)
  • service: SEO
  • service: Web development and design
  • Industry: Trade
  • Timeless robust website
  • E-shop
  • Digital marketing